What it is
A 4-week class delivered completely online, available instantly anytime 24/7, anywhere to everyone around the world. We’ll teach you how to differentiate yourself from the sea of other talents out there, how to build your presence effectively, how to self-promote fearlessly and how to make money from your art.
Most importantly, we’re here to equip you with skills that are future-proof. By the end of the course, you’ll have your very own road map and strategies to create great work, and the ability to find opportunities and income wherever you go and whatever you do.
The Work/Art/Play self-study course starts at USD$199, and will be open for registration in 2018. More details to follow!
Who is it for?
People who are interested in pursuing illustration on the side or as a freelance career: if you enjoy illustrating but have never progressed any further beyond it being a hobby – we’ll teach you how to start your art business on the side.
Self-taught artists who want to explore opportunities on how to take their art/illustration to the next level and to earn money from their work – we’ll put you on track to save months or even years off your learning curve.
Mid-career artists who are frustrated at what they’ve achieved so far, and want to go beyond the traditional path – we’ll show you other options beyond banging down gatekeeper’s doors (big publishers, art directors, agencies, etc)
Art and illustration graduates who are finding it hard to find clients and work, and are frustrated at how the system has not worked for them – we’ll share step-by-step ways on how to get you to hit the ground running.
Who is it not for?
We are going to touch on concepts that will rock the core of practicing artists and illustrators, challenging them to re-think the way everything works in the modern landscape.
So the course might not be for those who are not ready or open to new ideas, and/or ways of working and seeing. This class is also not suitable for those who are not yet ready to take their art and business to the next level, or take full control and responsibility for their creative endeavors.
And one more thing – pessimists will most probably not benefit from this class!
“Work/Art/Play was the very gentle push I needed to put my art out in the world and not to be afraid. I’ve been wanting to pursue art my whole life and needed a blueprint on how to move forward. This gave me the perfect framework to work within. I feel hopeful and confident that with a little time and lots of elbow grease it will be possible to make my dream come true! I used to fear that being self-taught meant that I would be perceived as inferior talent-wise but this workshop gave me the confidence to ignore those little voices in my head and pursue my lifelong dream.”

“Dear Amy, I know that this is a class, and you are the teacher, and it’s your job to share the information. However, since I am a self-taught artist and I have taken quite a few classes online, you are the very first teacher whom I came across, who actually shares real and applicable information. I needed someone who would take me by my hand, told me exactly what to do, how to do it, spell it out for me. That is exactly, what you have done for me!
I cannot thank you enough! For being real and truly wanting to help someone, without any reservations!”

“The course really helped me look at my practice from a business point of view. I wasn’t sure about a plan of action on how to market my work and myself or how I was going to take my art to the next level. The course was brilliant, I am looking forward to going through it all again. I like the way that I felt like a friendly hand was guiding me through the competitive scary world of art and illustration. I gained practical advice and ideas on how to progress and succeed in the field which no doubt will help me towards the future.”

“Amy helped me break out of a long, creative rut. For five months I wasn’t producing anything and making art seemed meaningless to me. I knew I needed to snap out of it and push through the burnout. This course made me excited about making art again. ”

“Amy truly cares about our growth as artists and our ability to get our work out into the world. She eases our fears with encouragement and practical, easily digestible advise and resources. We always had continually access/feedback from Amy for the entire course and also lifetime access to all her presentations/links/and recorded live sessions. It was definitely the best of the 3 online classes I’ve taken.”

“I really appreciated the stories Amy told – I felt she was generous with her time and experience. I also love her no-nonsense approach and wisdom; especially about letting go fear about other copying your work. Her philosophy encourages a person to be authentic in their work, and she gives practical advice and resources so that a person can move ahead confidently.”

“The course is really well structured. It is a great tool to generate new ideas and plan a valid market strategy. Amy is well prepared and organized. She is definitely an enthusiastic teacher and she cares for her pupils.”
Paolo Pochettino, Italypaolopochettino.com
“Whether you’re a full time professional or fresh out of college; everyone can use someone who is constructively critical about your work with plenty of experience to back it up. Amy is that person.”
Mathew Rhys, UKmathewrhys.blogspot.com
“This course is a personal and business blueprint plus a Rolodex (little black book) of contacts, that shortcuts my research, experiments, production, etc (the process in general). It helps other artists shortcut their process and lessen the pains and the risk giving up totally on pursuing art or illustrations (in life as a passion, and/or as a sustainable business).
Thank you Amy for putting your heart and soul in this course. I can feel it. And I am glad that you advocate compassion and at the same time, advocating a fair charging for our services and products – there’s a time for free service and time for high value service.”
Simone Ha, Singapore
“I’d recommend this class because of Amy’s caring nature. I really feel like she wants everyone to succeed and be happy. But she’s also an excellent teacher, and this class was much better than others I’ve taken.”
Erin Dorholt, USAbadgerandbee.com
“After hearing all the hype about another popular art/illustration course online and the comparison envy everyone was going through, I really didn’t want to subject myself to something like that. This class did NOT have the same competition feel I was worried about.
Work/Art/Play is a MANAGEABLE course that can be taken at your own pace. Amy is down to earth and very frank about her opinions and views of the art world. I appreciate that in her Q&A sessions she is not always just there to cheer you on. She’s not afraid to tackle tough topics and challenge the student. She condenses the information and has great follow up.”
Nicky Ovitt, USAnickyovitt.com
“When I sought out Amy’s help, I was starting my journey as an illustrator with hopes of mainly working in the children’s market. Amy helped carve a bigger picture of what I could do for myself and what I could achieve. She gave me suggestions and constructive comments that really made a difference and as a result, I was more clear on the direction that I should be heading towards. Now, 1 year after our session, I’ve worked on a lot of things that we’ve discussed; things that I could do that would be better for my career (yes, Amy will help, but *you* are responsible for making it happen!). Now I’m a full time illustrator who knows what I want and how to get there. Thank you Amy! I wouldn’t be on this path had it not been for you!”
Deborah, Braziltartarugafeliz.com
“I had been asking myself how to go about setting up my illustration career, how to get out there, and this was exactly the information I needed to get started. Now I know what to do, and I’m getting there!
I think Work/Art/Play is THE BEST course any artist can take to really be happy with their life as an artist. THIS class is what its all about! It’s not gimmicky, or just trying to sell you empty info (like most online stuff). It’s actually full of real tangible content and support.”
Angela Moreno, Japanpeccosa.com
“Work / Art / Play is fantastic for artists/designers/illustrators after they finish their formal education. It’s tricky being released into the real world, some people do really well, others find it incredibly difficult. I think this class is super valuable in that it gave me loads of encouragement to pursue the things that are dear to me!
Instead of being focused on the outcome of my projects, I’m more focused on the process. This gives me great joy and makes me less anxious about where my work should be. I also feel like I have a better understanding of myself within the world of illustration and can create without feeling like I’m trying to measure up to an arbitrary standard.
What made Work/Art/Play so different from other online courses offered out there is that it’s so real! Being true to myself was never stressed in design school, and I think this is so incredibly valuable and I never gave it a thought before.”

“I always knew that I wanted to be an illustrator and could never really entertain the notion of being anything else. I tried to study art in college, but it wasn’t for me so I decided I would do it on my own.
I am so thankful for teachers like you outside of the college system who share your knowledge. I want to illustrate children’s books, design fabric, sell greeting cards (and anything else I can put art on!) Now that I have your guidance, I am going to start implementing what I have learned and go for it! It is my dream and I will never stop reaching for it. Thank you, Amy.”

“I would recommend Work/Art/Play for Amy’s unique focus and genuine interest in illustration and the illustrators making them, which makes it a very personal, inspiring and relevant course. I would also recommend it for the methods and tactics presented by Amy. Seeing different examples enables one to see patterns and notice priorities in the suggested methods, while everything is presented in an easy and natural way. It makes presentation, promotion and marketing more human and less monsterly scary.”

“It’s a great way to learn about marketing and have fun meeting other artists. Amy is a great teacher, very thoughtful, understanding and smart!”
Sara Franklin, USAsarafranklindesign.com
“Amy, the class was great – it offers a different and contemporary outlook on illustration and how to get into current markets. I don’t know of any other classes that discusses marketing the way you do.”
Lauren Minco, USAlaurenminco.com
“There are many crucial things an artist/illustrator needs to know when it comes to making a living out of their work. The course modules teach us these things in such a simple way but so carefully detailed. It also really encourages us to put ourselves out there.”
Sirawon Khathing, India
“Work/Art/Play’s modules are unique in that it taps into the deeper meaning of creating meaningful art and how that is shared with your audience.”
Agnes Schugart, Canadaagnesschugardt.com